Because only together we can


Our Vision & Mission


To build a better world for our future generation by fostering education, creating livelihood & embracing sustainability.


We tirelessly dedicate our efforts to foster quality education through comprehensive mentorship, financial support, and supplementary tuition. We also strive to break the cycle of poverty by generating diverse livelihood opportunities and promote sustainability through producing eco-friendly products and reducing waste, creating a more liveable and thriving planet for the generations to come.

How We Do It!

1. Identify Child

Identification & qualification of child is the most important aspect for the success of our vision. There are mainly two sources of children – 

  • Direct – We will approach schools, different institutions like orphanages to identify needy talented children.
  • Indirect – Needy children can be reported by some one else as well through different channels like facebook, events or website.
Those children are filtered and prioritized based on many criteria like family income, social background, fund availability etc to channelize available capacity towards right children in more productive manner. To know more and register a child, please click Register a Child.​

2. Connect a Mentor

We also look out for like-minded people who want to build an extended family by becoming mentor and  providing support to these talented children to reach their full potential. It is expected that mentors will consider their mentees as their own and building strong bond over the time. It is long-term commitment based on love, respect and empathy. Willing mentors can reach us directly or we can approach them through different channels. They can express their preference like geography, age group, talent type etc and we will try to match based on available children.  A person can have multiple mentees, but one child can have only one mentor at a time. This is not a financial assistance program, rather mentor should take the ownership and provide all kind of assistance including guidance, counselling etc as well. Willing persons can mentor children remotely and we will help them to be in touch with their mentees on continuous basis. An individual or an institution or a group of persons can collectively become mentor for one or multiple children. To become a mentor, please click Be a Mentor.


3. Meet the Last Mile

A person can become mentor to as many children as he or she wish remotely without geographical limitation. It is quite possible that mentor will not be able to do all the required activities on his or her own for his or her mentees since most likely these children will be located at remote places far from mentors. We facilitate and build the last mile connection to deliver required materials, services, manpower. We provide digital access to all mentors to check their mentees, utilization of their fund, performance of their mentees, milestones achieved etc. To scale, we take help of change agents who are local persons and can build relationship, monitor and provide guidance at grass root level. We essentially build bridge among all the important stakeholders like biological parents, institutions, children, mentors, change agents etc to successfully run the entire delivery system. We organize events, award functions to attract and encourage children and nurture their talent. To be a volunteer, click Be a Volunteer.​

From Our Children
Why Us?

Full Transparency

We are completely transparent. You can track your children, donations & all disbursements with bank confirmations yourself. It is completely open – join, stop, rejoin any time


Lowest Running Cost

We are highly technology-driven, network-based organization to keep our running cost lowest through automation, self-service & low-touch delivery model, so that maximum fund goes to children.


Compliance & Tax Benefits

We are fully compliant with regulatory requirements. All your donations to My Children Foundation are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of Income Tax Act.

What We Do

My Children Foundation is a reflected vision of many people who want to do something for the children. We are a Not-for-Profit organization, dedicated for underprivileged children who are struggling to continue their education. We believe every child is a talent and if we provide adequate support, they can grow to their full potential and become independent & valuable for the society. We are completely transparent in our operations and you can see where your contribution goes and how it creates impact. Your small contribution can bring remarkable change in a child’s life in the most fundamental way. They will lead a healthy happy life and will carry on the same process when they will be independent.

— We Identify

We identify talented children who are not fortunate enough to have adequate resource, social background and capacity to reach their full potential.

— We Build

We build a strong support network of mentors, volunteers, change agents to take care of these children as their own, nurture their talent and make them independent in their life.

— We Connect

We believe in human bonding rather than just providing financial help. We will create a sustainable model based on love and affection among biological parents, kids and mentors.

— We Nurture

We nurture talents by providing all the resources, guidance, operational help to children and their parents to grow with right-skill set and right vision.

— We Care

In the same process, we care for the upliftment of the individual families and the society at a large. We create empathy among people so that they also take similar initiative on their own.

— We Encourage

We encourage children and build their confidence by providing awards, recognitions and motivation. We create a conducive environment so that they get full support to grow to their full potential.

We Are Fully Transparent


My Children Foundation is a reflected vision of many people who want to do something for the children. We are group of people passionate in creating long-term positive impact in people’s life. Children who are underprivileged and need someone to look after them, will be mentored and taken care through financial help and emotional care and support. They will lead a healthy happy life and will carry on the same process when they will be independent.

Children Need Your Support

Tanmoy Sadhukhan
(Chanditala-1, India)
Male, 15 years old
Custodian's Occupation: Day Labour
Annual Family Income: Rs. 48,000/-
Good At: Academic

Check Details

Tanmoy Sadhukhan

Animesh Ghosh
(Haripal, India)
Male, 14 years old
Custodian's Occupation: Daily Wager
Annual Family Income: Rs. 54,000/-
Good At: Academic

Check Details

Animesh Ghosh

Purnadeep Bag
(Chanditala, India)
Male, 16 years old
Custodian's Occupation: Day Labour
Annual Family Income: Rs. 60,000/-
Good At: Academic

Check Details

Purnadeep Bag


Not ready to be a mentor?

Donate any amount to bring real change in a child's life!

9 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Tridipta Kabi

    I am Tridipta Kabi , a student of ITI . My Children Foundation helped me to carry on with my ITI education. My ambition is become a ALP. I am trying my best to make MCF and my mentor proud.

  2. My Children foundation helped me to carry on with my ITI education. I will always remain thankful to the whole My Children family for this help.

  3. Shristi Jha

    I am Shristi Jha. Wishing a very happy birthday to My Children Foundation. For MCF, today I am able to study properly. I would like to thank my mentor, and all the members of MCF. My ambition is to become a professor and it will be impossible without MCF. I am trying my best to make my mentor, and MCF proud😊.

    Thank you so much!!

  4. Anirban Chandra

    My Children foundation helped me to carry on with my school education in my class 11th and 12th during the very hard phase of Covid Lockdown by financial means. I will always remain thankful to the whole My Children family for this help during the tough times of me and my family.

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