Fostering Creativity, Innovation & Design Thinking in Young Minds

“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.
   – Pablo Picasso

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Creativity, design thinking, and innovation are essential skills and qualities that can greatly benefit children in various aspects of their development and future success. Here’s why they are important:

  1. Problem Solving: Creativity, design thinking, and innovation are all about finding unique and effective solutions to problems. Teaching children these skills encourages them to think critically, explore different perspectives, and come up with creative solutions to challenges they encounter.
  2. Adaptability: In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is crucial. These skills enable children to adapt to new situations, think on their feet, and find innovative ways to overcome obstacles, making them better equipped to handle uncertainty and change.
  3. Confidence: Encouraging children to be creative and innovative boosts their self-esteem and confidence. When they see their ideas and efforts leading to positive outcomes, they gain a sense of accomplishment and belief in their abilities.
  4. Leadership & Team Building: Creative projects and design thinking exercises often require teamwork and collaboration. Children learn how to work with others, share ideas, and build on each other’s strengths, fostering important social skills.
  5. Career Opportunities: In the modern job market, creativity and innovation are highly sought-after skills. By cultivating these qualities in childhood, children are better prepared for careers that require adaptability and the ability to create, such as in the fields of technology, design, art, and entrepreneurship.

In summary, nurturing creativity, design thinking, and innovation in children is crucial for their intellectual, emotional, and social development. These skills equip them to tackle real-world challenges, foster adaptability, and prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world.  In this initiative, My Children Foundation will take various activities to motivate children to think differently and promote innovation, creativity and problem solving.

Fundamentals of Infrastructure Engineering

My Children Foundation has taken this initiative along with Bentley System to promote infrastructure engineering as a career option in youth, specially in girls. The main objectives are:

  • Inspiring young minds to strive for a career in infrastructure.
  • Instilling designing thinking at the early stage of children’s brain development.
  • Change of mindset about construction job environment in today’s world.
  • Promotion of women in engineering.
  • Developing leadership, collaboration & team building skills

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